Life Hacks using Faber-Castell Tack-It

Faber-Castell Tack-It has been selling like hot cakes since its introduction to the market. It’s basically a reusable and removable adhesive which is ideal for the home, office, school, business etc. The fact that it can attach paper and small objects to most materials and surfaces makes it the perfect alternative to tape, nails, glue and staples.

Faber-Castell Tack-It

But you know what’s really great about Faber-Castell Tack-It? The almost life-changing, widely loved feature is that the tacks are not only super easy to remove, but it doesn’t leave any stains on the wall or surfaces as well. The most common uses for Tack-It are for mounting and holding, but there are actually many creative ways to use it. Read on to learn some simple life hacks using the trusted Faber-Castell Tack-It.

Life Hacks using Faber-Castell Tack-It

  • Need to clean the tiny spaces in between your keyboard or any small corners? Roll up a piece of Tack-It and wipe it across to stick up all the little dirts and dusts.
  • Want to put up a poster or photo frame without damaging the paint or nailing the wall? Paste Tack-It on each corner then go ahead and hang it up. You can do the same for festive decorations, fairy lights etc as well.
  • Tempted to have pretty vases and fragile display items but afraid your little ones might knock them over? Place Tack-It under those items to hold it in place securely.
  • Cables are all over the place and your desk looks messy? Use Tack-It to hold the wires in a neater and more organized manner.
  • Using a screw with a screwdriver? Simply place a small ball of Tack-It at the tip of the screwdriver to hold the screw in place.
  • Accidentally dropped something under the furniture but can’t seem to reach it? Just roll up a piece of Tack-It and attach it to a stick to help retrieve the item easily.

For easier reference, check out the video below for some creative ways to use Faber-Castell Tack-It.

How to Use Faber-Castell Tack-It

Faber-Castell Tack It

Faber-Castell Tack-It comes in square cut for easy tear off - you won’t need a scissors or cutter knife. It's perfect for sticky jobs around the home, office, school, as well as for hobby and craft work. Head over to our online store to browse our range of stationeries and office supplies.